More Than You Know

“The conqueror is regarded with awe; the wise man commands our respect; but it is only the benevolent man that wins our affection” William Dean Howells

A lot is made of Valentine’s Day, good and bad. Some say it is just another day. Others, out of pessimism, declare it to be a waste of time. Like Mother’s Day and Father’s day, Valentine’s Day can point to unhappy memories, or a lack of a particular kind of relationship. We are all different, naturally. Our lives and hopes and hurts and dreams and cares are unique to ourselves. One day cannot be everything to everyone.

There is one constant, however: love. As it has been said, “Love never fails”. There is a simple fact that, no matter who you are, where you are, what you think, how you feel, or even who you love, there is a love that is pointed in your direction which is so deep, so pure, so absolute, you will never be able to fully grasp it. More than you know, there is an incredible BIGNESS to this Love that is life-changing. Such a soul-filling, heart-warming, glad-making, shout-it-from-the-rooftops love can only come from someone big enough to hold it in their heart. Although it it has been said and abused many, many times, the simple phrase “God loves you” is the first and last true thing.

Not based on your talent or beauty or intellect or even your goodness, this love is for you. The funny thing is how much we can overlook the importance of this love. A person who says they love us has our full attention, even if we pretend to ignore them, not so with our Creator. He loves you, and you don’t need to pull the petals off a daisy to figure it out. Your next breath, the sunrise, the sunset, winter, spring, summer, and fall, on and on read the letters of love, from God to you. Never mind the death of Jesus on the cross. Never mind the rising from the dead on the third day. Those things give us hope. They are the basis of faith for countless people all over the world. They also have their basis in love. All God wants from you in return is for you to love him back, and to remember that love as you interact with others throughout the day.

 When the Pharisees heard how he had bested the Sadducees, they gathered their forces for an assault. One of their religion scholars spoke for them, posing a question they hoped would show him up: “Teacher, which command in God’s Law is the most important?”

 Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ These two commands are pegs; everything in God’s Law and the Prophets hangs from them.” Matthew 22:35-40 (The Message)

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